Complete home management solution
We are dedicated to producing a product that helps housesharers, landlords and letting agents and utility companies manage households harmoniously.
With an increasing number of people house sharing for a greater amount of time than ever there is a need for available technology and information to catch up to consumer demand.
We provide a platform that streamlines moving in, living together and moving out for house sharers of all ages, including students and those sharing for the first time, who need that extra bit of help when it comes to living with other people away from home.

How our household management platform works
When you set up with acasa you’ll be asked for information about your household, including its location, number of residents and the utilities you need.
We use some of the most trusted and best value utility suppliers available in the UK, so by using acasa not only will you save time and stress on household administration, you’re likely to also be saving on your collective monthly bill. Find out more about our suppliers and pricing here.
Once you’re set up with acasa all of your bills will come be managed as one, from the same platform, with complete transparency for all parties. Everyone gets billed for their share directly, so you’ll never have to make up the amount for someone else or have a housemate directly affect your personal financial record, which would be the case if you were manage household bill through a shared bank account.
A dashboard for your home
The acasa apps give you and your housemates a dashboard for your home.
You’ll all receive notifications regarding supplier switch overs, upcoming as well as confirmation when everyone has paid their monthly share.
The acasa app has also been designed to help with more than just bills. Any household cost can be added and tracked in the same way as utilities, so you can also manage nights out, shopping expenses, travel, and anything else you think would be better managed by a third party than by shaky verbal agreements, or post-it note reminders on someone’s door.
get a free quote from acasa
acasa is designed for anyone sharing a house, from students to young professionals to couples.
With acasa, you can avoid unnecessary conflict around splitting utility bills with our direct billing and balance tracking systems.
Get a free quote for your property and enjoy a more stress-free approach to managing your shared house.